Reflections on Cop26 1 year on

This time last year I was at COP26 with Julian New and the TAPP Coalitie.

It was both an inspiring and disheartening experience as the pace of change felt too slow with little to focus on key areas such as food or supporting those worst affected by climate change.

As COP27 opens up this weekend here's my wish list:

- Food is the second highest emitting industry employing over 2 billion people globally and should form the bedrock of a number of this year's global commitments. Scaling up regenerative farming and carbon taxation are just some of core catalysts we can implement to ignite transition in the sector

- Climate financing - countries most at risk or unable to adopt greener practices need the support of the global community and the cancellation of historic debts

- A global governance shift to ensure business are not solely focussed on profiteering placing equal focus on their wider stakeholders and intergenerational mindset. This thinking forms the basis of the Mother Nature Movement and is being put into practice through policy proposals such as B Lab interdependence coalition (

- A global plan is to detach ourselves from our dependence on oil, gas and coal, fast-tracking our shift onto renewables

- Remodelling subsidies for the present day. 90% of the world's subsidies support high emitting practices. We need to remove or reallocate finance to businesses and practices that are supporting people and the planet

- Protecting and restoring nature - the homes of the world's indigenous peoples

All the best to those attending - let's keep turning the dial!

Brad Vanstone